Monday, January 21, 2008

Remembering Warmer Days...

This farm and turkeys will always stay close in my mind. I pursued these two gobblers for over 2 years, being outsmarted everytime. They were different in the fact that they never did the same thing twice, contrary to some turkeys. Yes, there was no patterning them.

At the end of the 4 week season, I again gave up on chasing them. But I did clue my friend in on their whereabouts. Never before harvesting an adult gobbler, he took my advice and with 2 hours left in the season, harvested the bird strutting in the picture below! I was ecstatic with joy when he called me to tell me the news. What an accomplishment for him to take a 4 year old bird so late in the season! I took satisfaction in knowing I played a small part in revealing his location to my dear friend..

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